In Conversation With Duduzile Ngwenya Talking About Feminine Intuition Holdings

Duduzile Noeleen Ngwenya, commonly known as Noeleen, I have been following her on Twitter for a while and it's hard to ignore the great work that she and her business partner Nozipho Yona does. She is a very bubbly, welcoming, driven individual who knows where she is going in life.
Feminine Intuition Holdings was founded by two young ladies namely Duduzile and Nozipho, aiming to empower and celebrate women in our country. 

How do you do empower women in your organization?
"By celebrating ordinary women who do great things in their communities but never get recognition because they are not well known. I believe that through celebrating these women, we empower them and also those who aspire to do great. Feminine Intuition is by women, for women. We are not an NGO, we are a business with a heart", said Duduzile.

What inspired you and your partner to start Feminine Intuition?
"It’s quite a series of things, my partner has her side of how we came up with Feminine Intuition, and I also have mine. So it’s basically two minds, which happen to have the same goal. For Nozipho Yona, she started this in honour of her late mother, she was a great woman, a strong single mother and a great teacher, and she deserved recognition. And I started Feminine Intuition because of my past, I wouldn't want to get deep into that now but I know how it feels to be bullied by people you expect support from (women), and I wouldn't want that to happen to any other woman. Feminine Intuition is a holdings because we have different departments in it, Feminine Heart is for charity events, emotional support talks/seminars and entrepreneurship seminars. Feminine Media and Advertising, under this department we design websites, social media marketing strategies for small and medium businesses, and in the near future we are going to have an online magazine."

What are you trying to achieve with Feminine?
"Feminine Intuition is about uniting women, building the sisterhood spirit instead of going against each other, they believe that we as women need to empower one another. We are women, nobody else understands what a woman wants, feels, goes through and more, than another woman."

Why do you believe in women empowerment?
"Women deserve recognition, they deserve to be applauded, to be reminded of how strong, beautiful and amazing they are. That's why I believe in women empowerment."

Where do you see Feminine Intuition in two years’ time?
"I see it collaborating with more charity homes, we are currently working together with Fatima House, we believe that as we grow we will have more charity homes, that also empower, encourage and support women #CEES, to work with. And we also want to collaborate with other female entrepreneurs, so far we are collaborating with 2, and we are hoping to collaborate with more. Our Media department will also be broad by then, we are just working hard and praying about it. We are launching our new department in spring, of which we hope in 2 years’ time, it will be big and help in revenue. In 2 years’ time, we hope to have celebrated, empowered, encouraged and supported more women all around the world."

How is Feminine Intuition contributing to the community?
"It works with charity homes, helping where we can. It inspires people to give by giving first, through charity events. The Feminine Intuition aim, elaborates more on what we contribute to the community."

How can people take part or help in Feminine Intuition?
"They could donate to our Feminine Heart department, we need funds to help more women in charity homes. Also recommending our services to people who might need them will be of great help. If ever you have an idea you'd like to implement and it corresponds with the Feminine Intuition aim to celebrate, empower, encourage and support (CEES) ordinary women, you can let us know and we will do it with you." Please if you are able to help Feminine Intuition grow and believe in the same value, feel free to contact them and help them change the world and make it a better place."

To people that look up to you, what would you say to them that will leave them inspired and motivated?
"Believe in yourself. Whatever you set your mind to, you can achieve. Not everyone is going to believe you or what you do, that doesn't mean you should stop. Get up every morning to prove that you're capable. Don't depend too much on other people, you'll be hopeless when they leave. Trust God, with all your heart. Pray frequently, stay in contact with your Heavenly Father, I promise you, life won't be that hard. You will fail at some things, each failure is a step closer to success, don't be discouraged, keep pushing, persevere and be patient. But most importantly, PRAY, and focus." I couldn't have said it better, everything that she said is a secret ingredient of every successful person out there.

How do people actually develop a sense of empowerment?
"It starts by admiring the good in other people's work, instead of criticizing, admire and give applause when/where is due."

To what extent do you have a sense of self-determination and choice to continue with Feminine Intuition, and what can I do to increase it?
"The reason why I started this, and that alone keeps me going. A lot of women love this initiative, besides the practice of consistency, I'm doing what I love, I don't see why I could stop."

You get hold of her on:
Twitter - @noeleen_n

Feminine Intuition Holdings social media pages:
Twitter - @FemInt_
Facebook - Feminine Intuition Holdings
Instagram - @feminineint
Website -


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